Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nothing makes me....

smile more than when I receive pictures from friends showing me how they use my 'creations.'

Back story....
As an avid facebook reader stalker, I noticed one of my friends was contemplating painting a cabinet door with chalkboard paint. I immediately went nuts on her status and informed her that she better not even think about it again, and that I would take care of it... I might have posted 4 responses.. give or take 2.  I was pumped. Finally, I would be able to use some of the great deals I had picked up at my favorite-place-to-shop-ever store aka get rid of some of my 'crap.'

So the ideas started to swarm... I went into my inventory of 20ish cabinet fronts to find the perfect one.. and then I heard the bells on high ring and I saw it... in all it's beauty. This would be the piece I would use. The excitement grew.. I jumped around for a moment... Then it hit me.. 'Now what?' I can't just use the chalkboard paint... I mean... what fun is that? What type of personalization is that? None. I don't roll that way... So as I stared in sadness, it hit me like a ton of bricks... One of the things I love about this girl is that she started her own blog and about her and her now husband's life.  Ding! Her tag line was 'Celebrating the Great*ness of Life.' I know. I love it. I thought it would be perfect for a newlywed & new homeowner couple!

Unfortunately I did not take a before picture... but I have a picture of it for when I finished it...

However, this picture makes me totally happy. Knowing that it gets used, to me, is priceless. It means so much to me that I was able to provide a gift for a friends and at the same time fill a void. It just makes me all giddy inside.  ( I know it's blurry aaannnnd I know she's a really good photographer... but I'll take it ;) ).
Simple things make my day.

Take it easy.

pssst: I'm participating in another 'Paint Party.'
Domestically Speaking

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