... ahhh..... so the last few weeks have been an absolute whirl wind... and I've loved every minute of it!
So I had quit my previous job... and I had two weeks off....
I was able to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and however I wanted. I spent a lot of time working out and hanging out with friends... and just enjoying the peace. I got really good at going and running and trail near me. There was just something so relaxing about taking a 3 or 4 mile run during the morning. I was able to have a sleep over with my niece and nephew. It was so amazing to spend the time with them. Taking them to the Natural History museum and be a witness to their eyes lighting up with they saw the big dinosaurs. I even introduced them to Woody Woodpecker! It was such an enjoyable time. I realize how lucky I am to be able to spend the time with them.
Also during my "unemployment" I went to Vegas! I enjoyed Vegas! I know I'm an odd ball, but I LOVED old Vegas! My friend and I zip lined over Freemont Street and it was AWESOME! I had such a great time! All in all, Vegas was fun. I got a great tan, I won some money (Whoop!), and made some amazing memories.
Last week I finally started my new job. So far so good. I honestly cannot complain about anything that has happened up to this point. I received my schedule last week and it looks like I'm going to be a very lucky girl with two awesome AWESOME trips... (more when the details are finalized.)
In the last few weeks, I've had a lot of time to unwind... to settle down and release the stress from my last job and to finally enjoy life. As I was on the phone with one of my college friends tonight, I said to her, 'Life is finally right.' I feel that I have finally gotten to the point where life is good.. and the crap that I went through, I went through to get me to this point. Now that I am here, I couldn't ask for anything better.
One of the greatest things that I did at the beginning of the month, was......... to pay off my car. I did it 2 years faster than I should have and I did it 4 months earlier than I planned. I cannot even begin to describe the weight that was lifted. I have paid off all the debts that I accumulated from my marriage. This month, when I get my paycheck, that money will go towards me and decisions that I will make for myself. Not past decisions, not someone else.. but here and now and for me. I cannot even begin to express how awesome that feels. I made a decision 2 years ago that I wanted to be debt free.... here I stand. Nothing has given me more pride.
This really is the start of the next chapter in my life... and in this moment... I am happy.
Take it easy.